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Answers heatmap

  • Number of answers: 43
  • All answers. The bigger the bubble, the more people had this result.
  • Your own result
  • Average result

Answers breakdown

  • Green background = most popular answer
  • Bold = your own answer

Do you want a typical β€œtwo-tone” look, with a circumcision scar in the middle of the shaft?

No, definitely don't want it 11.6%
I'd rather avoid it 11.6%
I don't mind either way 48.8%
I'd like it 9.3%
I very much want it 18.6%

Would you like to be able keep having skin that would move when you jerk the shaft?

No, definitely don't want it 48.8%
I'd rather avoid it 4.7%
I don't mind either way 11.6%
I'd like it 14%
I very much want it 20.9%

Would you like foreskin to still cover parts of the shaft when it's flaccid?

No, definitely don't want it 62.8%
I'd rather avoid it 18.6%
I don't mind either way 7%
I'd like it 4.7%
I very much want it 7%

Would you like to have a clearly marked head line?

No, definitely don't want it 0%
I'd rather avoid it 4.7%
I don't mind either way 23.3%
I'd like it 14%
I very much want it 58.1%

Would you like to feel tightness while hard?

No, definitely don't want it 7%
I'd rather avoid it 14%
I don't mind either way 14%
I'd like it 20.9%
I very much want it 44.2%

Would you like to experience reduction in sensitivity?

As little reduction in sensitivity as possible 25.6%
Preferably keep my cock sensitive 23.3%
I don't mind either way 23.3%
I'd like it less sensitive 16.3%
Desensitise as much as possible 11.6%

Would you mind getting your frenulum removed?

No, definitely don't want it 4.7%
I'd rather avoid it 4.7%
I don't mind either way 16.3%
I'd like it 11.6%
I very much want it 62.8%